I loved making these little candle lights ^^ It's actually made with a simple diamond geometry and a panner, works pretty good on offset UVs islands =)
Deep rift you can fall into (without dying, it's cool ^^)
Hidden rooms with Easter Eggs =)
Another quick level, initially made to showcase animations, I wanted to give it more attention and make a cool use of it as a "tutorial" level so you can learn quick movement bases
There's no words how I love playing with old-school tricks ♥
Forest tests, once correctly setup it only needs a few clicks to create it =)
Far from space view. It's actually the very first "Lumberia-asset" I've made, I liked this approach, it was like discovering a new world in the films, which I was also creating !
Temple "tech" tile. I wanted to mix tecno/ancient stuff (like you could find in several games obviously, it's something that's really significant to me and I actually really enjoy such mixes. Nothing uses this tile yet but probably will...one day =)
tree barks
Cliff tile. Just super-useful for modeling...cliffs ^^"
Grass tile
Moss tile
Dirt ground tile
Pavements tile
Wall bricks tile
Specific Wall Trims tile
Main atlas used for Dungeon/Temple Assets of Lumberia, combining trims/tiles =)