The Burning Descent | ConceptArt Stuff

Some ConceptArts I did for The Burning Descent

Special thanks to Anthony Daneluzzi, Fantin Gislette, Alexandre Cheremetieff, Jonathan Belot, Laurent Dessart, Guillaume Zannoni, Maxime Teppe, Coralie Bruchon, Adrien Chenet, Milen Ivanov, and evryone who helped bringing this game to life ! Your feedbacks really helped me pushing this to that level =)

The Burning Descent is a VR Game made@ RyseUp Studios in Lyon, playable at in Grenoble, France



VehicleStation v4 ( the one choosed for the game )

VehicleStation v4 ( the one choosed for the game )

VehicleStation v1,2,3 with and without the "motobylette" =)

VehicleStation v1,2,3 with and without the "motobylette" =)

First version of the VehicleSpawn's Door

First version of the VehicleSpawn's Door

Weapon Racks

Weapon Racks

Capture Point

Capture Point

Random Covers ideas

Random Covers ideas

Quick paint over I did on Maxime Teppe's conceptart ( on the left ) for the Training Bot

Quick paint over I did on Maxime Teppe's conceptart ( on the left ) for the Training Bot

Some tutorial's artworks I did

Some tutorial's artworks I did

VFX Teleport

VFX Teleport