Hello there !
R2-D2 is such an iconic character, I really loved making a fanart of him ♥
Textures are in 4K, made with 3DCoat
Mesh is about 13K tris, made with 3dsMax
Normalmap/AO Baked & Rendered on Marmoset Toolbag4
Rig/Skin/Anim done with akeytsu
Unreal is just here to show the final result in-game ;)
I modeled this little dude by the end of the last year, and decided to make some animations/skins on it. Pretty simple, the goal was to bring back a starwars-ish touch to a project of mine (I'll let you guess which one =P).
Making such kind of hardsurface modeling is quite relaxing to me, and I managed to take time I wanted to push texturing a bit further. Like a lot of you I got to see (and love, admire) the Arcane show on Netflix, so it added its soul to the project and kinda forced me to rethink how I do my textures.
In the past I tend to rely too much on smartmaterials, even if I use my own handpainted noises & textures to give an interesting basis, texturing can go much further than a few clicks. I intend to push what I do more in this way, more in such artistic way where I let as least control as possible to the painting software (and 3DCoat is the perfect fit for that new objective ♥)
(see more project art here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm)
This one is a "blank page" that users might use as a starting point to create their favorite/personnal skin =)
Here is Mevenn's lil' companion =) Honestly I modeled this character mostly for that. I wanted to see the full droid once out of the Eta-2 Actis ^^"
In Unreal =)