Syblast - Cyborg Skin

Hi everyone !

Here's another skin for Syblast =) As always it was really pleasant to do and I kept learning new techniques =)

I made it with :
- ZBrush ; Sculpt & polypaint (IDMap)
- 3dsMax ; Hardsurface elements for Insert meshes, then retopo + UVW
- 3DCoat ; Texturing (using StarWarsRedemption's smartmaterials + personal Overwatch-like brushes)
- Akeytsu : Rigging/Skinning/Posing
- Marmoset 3 ; normalmap/IDMap baking & lighting/rendering

Cyborg's Skin - fully textured with 3D-Coat and rigged/skinned on Akeytsu

Cyborg's Skin - fully textured with 3D-Coat and rigged/skinned on Akeytsu

3D Viewer =)

Sculpt - made and rendered in ZBrush

Sculpt - made and rendered in ZBrush

Syblast Cyborg Skin - ConceptArt

Syblast Cyborg Skin - ConceptArt

Texture Breakdown - I use the same process on most of my models

Texture Breakdown - I use the same process on most of my models

Rig on Akeytsu

Rig on Akeytsu

Quick pose tests on Akeytsu

Quick pose tests on Akeytsu