Star Wars - Redemption | Mevenn Lum-Sodren

Mevenn - Jedi Master, Commander of the 414th Legion

Original character I made with 3dsmax/ZBrush/MightyBake/3DCoat/Akeytsu for Star Wars Redemption, rendered with Marmoset Toolbag/UnrealEngine

Star Wars - Redemption's project :

Side notes :

Mevenn Idle, animated on Akeytsu, rendered with Marmoset Toolbag 3.03. Sound is a mix of a lot of stuff made with Music Maker

A "Sith" version of Mevenn

SWR - First ShowOff

WIP Anim Idle Mevenn

SWR Anims WIP 01 - Animated by Thomas Chaumel

SWR - Anim MakingOff - "Iron-Girl" (Mevenn)

SWR - Anim MakingOff - Force Push (Mevenn)

WIP Idle Mevenn Hugg

Original ConceptArt

Original ConceptArt

Jedi outfit final ConceptArt

Jedi outfit final ConceptArt

Face CloseUp

Face CloseUp

Mevenn's Lightsaber (OLD Hilt design)

Mevenn's Lightsaber (OLD Hilt design)

DoubleBlade weapon (cause the actual one was too common =P)

DoubleBlade weapon (cause the actual one was too common =P)

Phoenix Skin, I wanted to have something really different from classic clone's warpaints

Phoenix Skin, I wanted to have something really different from classic clone's warpaints

Legacy Skin, the first design I made for Mevenn

Legacy Skin, the first design I made for Mevenn

Jedi Skin

Jedi Skin

Jedi Master Skin

Jedi Master Skin

Novice Skin

Novice Skin

Idle test focused on facial features, Skin/Rig/Anim fully done on Akeytsu , 100% by Joints

Idle test focused on facial features, Skin/Rig/Anim fully done on Akeytsu , 100% by Joints

Some Expression Rendered on Marmoset

Some Expression Rendered on Marmoset

Order 66

Order 66

Back to Coruscant, after Order 66

Back to Coruscant, after Order 66

SWR - FaceRigInAction

WIP Idle Mevenn Slower

Highlight Intro - Mevenn, 414th Commander (AnimChallenge Render)

Default Jedi outfit =)

Default Jedi outfit =)

Just cause a double-blue lightsaber is soooooo coooool =D

Just cause a double-blue lightsaber is soooooo coooool =D

"Sith" Skin variant. Really pleasant to make ♥

"Sith" Skin variant. Really pleasant to make ♥

Phoenix Skin - Textured entirely on 3DCoat

Phoenix Skin - Textured entirely on 3DCoat

Legacy Skin ( first one ) - Made with 3dsmax/ZBrush/MightyBake/3DCoat/Akeytsu, rendered with Marmoset 3

Legacy Skin ( first one ) - Made with 3dsmax/ZBrush/MightyBake/3DCoat/Akeytsu, rendered with Marmoset 3