414th Clone Troopers, I had to make a presentation just for them =)
made with 3dsmax/MightyBake/3DCoat/Akeytsu for Star Wars Redemption
Star Wars - Rdemption's project : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm
Side notes : https://www.artstation.com/vexod14/blog/GYLq/star-wars-redemption-disclaimer
ARC CT Epsilon-41414 - Captain "RedJaws"
Made with 3dsMax/Maya, 3DCoat & Akeytsu for posing
414th Clone Troopers
Made with 3dsMax/Maya, 3DCoat & Akeytsu for posing
ARC CT Gamma-41221 - "Maxonn"
Made with 3dsMax/Maya, 3DCoat & Akeytsu for posing
CT Zeta-41911 - "Crusher"
Made with 3dsMax/Maya, 3DCoat & Akeytsu for posing
ARC CT Sigma-41677 - "Axe'L"
Made with 3dsMax/Maya, 3DCoat & Akeytsu for posing
Just a quick test made after playing with a friend making a specific shader on ue4 =)