A rework of another old robot dude =) I wanted to make a better use of his heavy right "arm" and achieve a stronger pose ;)
2K PBR maps on 2 separate MatIDs, Textured with 3DCoat, Rig/Skin/Anims made 100% with Akeytsu
You can buy it here : https://flippednormals.com/product/shocker-204-full-rig-4-skins-951
Animated on Akeytsu (https://www.nukeygara.com/try) by both Thomas Chaumel (Reload anim sample, you can find out more about him there : https://www.artstation.com/keyblack) and I (Idle Breath + Walk samples)
Shocker 204 Skin Protector. You can buy the full character + skin + anim samples here : https://flippednormals.com/product/shocker-204-full-rig-4-skins-951
Shocker 204 - Idle "HeavyBreath"
3D Viewer of the Basic Skin