Star Wars - Redemption | FanMade Game Project

Note : Project's updates won't always be at the top of it, so when an update come, scroll to explore what's new !

"Star Wars - Redemption" is the temporary title I've found for a fanmade project inspired mostly by the clone wars TV series and, of course, Star Wars universe. At the beginning it was just about a Jedi in a clone outfit and the more I spent time on it, the more new stuff was added to this base concept. I'll add all things about it here, it's the project's main page. But you may see individual assets on separated projects if you want =)

As it's a fan project I don't spend the time I'd want on it, the evolution will be chaotic in terms of regularity ^^ Sorry in advance !

The project may take place between Ep2 & Ep5 or more, I'm not done yet with the story.

I work on it with Thomas Chaumel who helps me on the animation part of Redemption, while Thibaut Hunckler helps on programming =)

Des Bisous ! ♥

Game Cover, rendered with UE4 (background) & Marmoset Toolbag 4 (Chara/Starfighters/Destroyers), posing/framing/composition made with akeytsu

Game Cover, rendered with UE4 (background) & Marmoset Toolbag 4 (Chara/Starfighters/Destroyers), posing/framing/composition made with akeytsu

WIP Idle Mevenn Hugg

SWR - First ShowOff

Star Wars - Redemption | Animation - Made in 2017 by Thomas Chaumel, Fantin Gislette & me =)
Anim thread on Akeytsu's forum :

Mevenn - Portrait, Face practice on Photoshop, experimenting some new tools I made & tricks I learned day by day =)

Mevenn - Portrait, Face practice on Photoshop, experimenting some new tools I made & tricks I learned day by day =)

Legacy Skin - Modeled with ZBrush/3dsMax, Textured with Photoshop/3DCoat, Baked using MightyBake, rig/skin/posing done on Akeytsu, rendered on Marmoset 3

Legacy Skin - Modeled with ZBrush/3dsMax, Textured with Photoshop/3DCoat, Baked using MightyBake, rig/skin/posing done on Akeytsu, rendered on Marmoset 3

Phoenix Skin - Textured 100% on 3DCoat

Phoenix Skin - Textured 100% on 3DCoat

JetPack VFX - still not finished but the idea of stylization works well now =) BTW, this was done only on marmoset, the unreal version is animated and it looks damn good, just need to add some heatdistortion and sparks and we'll have it !

JetPack VFX - still not finished but the idea of stylization works well now =) BTW, this was done only on marmoset, the unreal version is animated and it looks damn good, just need to add some heatdistortion and sparks and we'll have it !

New SplashArt, rendered on Marmoset Toolbag 4 and posed with Akeytsu

New SplashArt, rendered on Marmoset Toolbag 4 and posed with Akeytsu

414th on Geonosis - say "cheese" ! Old splashArt fully rendered with Marmoset Toolbag 3 and posed with Akeytsu

414th on Geonosis - say "cheese" ! Old splashArt fully rendered with Marmoset Toolbag 3 and posed with Akeytsu

Basic Phase 2 skin

Basic Phase 2 skin

The wonderful 501st

The wonderful 501st

Shock Troopers

Shock Troopers

414th upgrade ;)

414th upgrade ;)

Star Wars-Redemption | - BattleDroid B1 - Animation ( made by Thomas Chaumel )

Battle Droids B1 Variants - made with 3dsmax/3DCoat/Akeytsu

Battle Droids B1 Variants - made with 3dsmax/3DCoat/Akeytsu

Droideka - Basic's Skin, made with 3dsMax/3DCoat, rig/skin and anim made with Akeytsu, normalmap bake & render done with Marmoset Toolbag 3 ( this skin was of course inspired by the one we've all seen in the TV show ;)

Droideka - Basic's Skin, made with 3dsMax/3DCoat, rig/skin and anim made with Akeytsu, normalmap bake & render done with Marmoset Toolbag 3 ( this skin was of course inspired by the one we've all seen in the TV show ;)

Droideka - Elite's Skin - ( this one is an idea of a more badass droideka, one you may fear even more than classical one =O )

Droideka - Elite's Skin - ( this one is an idea of a more badass droideka, one you may fear even more than classical one =O )

Battle Droids B1 Variants - 3D Viewer

Nemesis of Mevenn, remade and ( I guess ) the version I will make in 3D later =)

Nemesis of Mevenn, remade and ( I guess ) the version I will make in 3D later =)

Nemesis of Mevenn, maybe not really a sith as there's only two of them

Nemesis of Mevenn, maybe not really a sith as there's only two of them

Sith's LightSaber

AcklayBot - Kind of a "Boss" and maybe the next thing I'll make ^^

AcklayBot - Kind of a "Boss" and maybe the next thing I'll make ^^

FlyingBot - A CIS Drone unit.

FlyingBot - A CIS Drone unit.

New Hangar ! New Starfighters ^^

New Hangar ! New Starfighters ^^

Venator's Stuff Room

Venator's Stuff Room

ARC-170 Over Coruscant

ARC-170 Over Coruscant

Nebulae rework - more details + tweakable stellar systems attached to it

Nebulae rework - more details + tweakable stellar systems attached to it

Another version of the splashscreen scene, rendered with marmoset in something like 3 seconds ^^ I love realtime !

Another version of the splashscreen scene, rendered with marmoset in something like 3 seconds ^^ I love realtime !

Geonosis Level Art (testing asset's usage and limitations )

Geonosis Level Art (testing asset's usage and limitations )





Training Room

Training Room

Mevenn's Room

Mevenn's Room

Venator's CrossRoom

Venator's CrossRoom

Aelya ( Mevenn's Apprentice ) - Helmets Designs ( from e-LysE, another character I did here : )

Aelya ( Mevenn's Apprentice ) - Helmets Designs ( from e-LysE, another character I did here : )

Geonosis environment background - Photoshop

Geonosis environment background - Photoshop

Some studies for Geonosis environment game art =)

Some studies for Geonosis environment game art =)

Additional concepts for Geonosis, more focused on Architecture

Additional concepts for Geonosis, more focused on Architecture

414th Legion ( Mevenn's Army ) CT & ARC Troopers - Done with Mischief

414th Legion ( Mevenn's Army ) CT & ARC Troopers - Done with Mischief

414th Trooper Phase 2

414th Trooper Phase 2

Early Conceptart of Mevenn on Geonosis ( near 2012 )

Early Conceptart of Mevenn on Geonosis ( near 2012 )

Order 66 given - let's kick some Clones !

Order 66 given - let's kick some Clones !

Back to Coruscant - 3dsmax/Photoshop

Back to Coruscant - 3dsmax/Photoshop

Long After Order 66, back on Lumberia

Long After Order 66, back on Lumberia

Trying many new hairstyles as I didn't really like her original look ( paintover on photshop )

Trying many new hairstyles as I didn't really like her original look ( paintover on photshop )

Mevenn - Facial Expressions, rig & anim done on Akeytsu, rendered on Marmoset Toolbag 3

Mevenn - Facial Expressions, rig & anim done on Akeytsu, rendered on Marmoset Toolbag 3

Highlight Intro - Mevenn, 414th Commander (AnimChallenge Render)

Final Skin Concept for Mevenn's Jedi outfit

Final Skin Concept for Mevenn's Jedi outfit

New and next hero outfit variations :)

New and next hero outfit variations :)

Aelya ( Mevenn's Apprentice ) - Full suit design ( from e-LysE, another character I did here : )

Aelya ( Mevenn's Apprentice ) - Full suit design ( from e-LysE, another character I did here : )

Aelya - final design

Aelya - final design

CIS Vulture Droid - 3dsmax/MarmosetToolbag3/3DCoat/Akeytsu

CIS Vulture Droid - 3dsmax/MarmosetToolbag3/3DCoat/Akeytsu

Mevenn's Eta-2 Actis - 3dsmax/mightyBake/3DCoat/Akeytsu

ARC-170 Starfighter

SpeederBike 74-Z

SpeederBike 74-Z

Venator Class Star Destroyer

Venator Class Star Destroyer

414th Warpaint

414th Warpaint

501st Warpaint

501st Warpaint

Acclamator Class Star Destroyer

Acclamator Class Star Destroyer

LucreHulk Class Star Destroyer...a LOT of triangles !

LucreHulk Class Star Destroyer...a LOT of triangles !

Star wars Redemption's Smartmaterials (not all are rendered here). It's all made on 3D-Coat. I first draw several tileable "noise" but by hand, so they're really custom and fits to my art style, get them here :

Star wars Redemption's Smartmaterials (not all are rendered here). It's all made on 3D-Coat. I first draw several tileable "noise" but by hand, so they're really custom and fits to my art style, get them here :

Venator's Hangar - Eta-2 Actis Landing Platform

Venator's Side Hangar - Arc-170 Landing Point

Venator's Side Hangar - Maintenance Gateways, 414th Axe'L's Army and the Galaxy still far far away...;)

Venator's Side Hangar - RedJaws's Training B1

Venator's CrossRoom

Venator's Supply Room

Space Corruscant

Blam Blam !

Blam Blam !

Naboo level, I wanted to recreate the mood of the episode one, it's a really, really special film to me, probably the initial reason that made me love star wars =) (can you hear the music too ? Aaaaah such a wonderful start for a film !)

Naboo level, I wanted to recreate the mood of the episode one, it's a really, really special film to me, probably the initial reason that made me love star wars =) (can you hear the music too ? Aaaaah such a wonderful start for a film !)

Des Bisous ♥

Des Bisous ♥