All environment pieces & level I did for The Burning Descent VR, for RyseUp Studios are here, the game run under Unreal Engine 4. I also helped on other fileds such as VFX art ( a little but super fun moments ! ), ConceptArt, Animation ( rigging & posing only for special purpose ) and Character's textures.
I used 3DCoat for mostly everything except for stencils/Brushes creation ( PS ) with custom smartmaterials ( same used on SWR project =) ), ZBrush for all of these canyon rocks ^^
3dsMax for all Lowpoly's and plenty of highpolys ( mostly when not organic )
MightyBake for baking.
Special thanks to Anthony Daneluzzi, Fantin Gislette, Alexandre Cheremetieff, Jonathan Belot, Laurent Dessart, Guillaume Zannoni, Maxime Teppe, Coralie Bruchon, Adrien Chenet, Milen Ivanov, and evryone who helped bringing this game to life ! I really enjoyed working with all of you and I hope we'll keep teaming'up like that in the future =)
The Burning Descent is a VR Game made@ RyseUp Studios in Lyon
Plateforme 02
Plateforme - CapturePoint
Far Rocks
Far Buildings
Far Pipes
Hole Props
LevelRocks Buildings - Used to create the level where you fight, each rock can also be used in 3 splitted blocks ( Base/Piston/Tower )
Engine v2
Workshop's Stuff
Motor Stuff
Musical's Stuff
Plateform's Additional Stuff
Floor & cloth things
Shelves & Wall's Stuff
SpawnerProps 02
SpawnerVehicle's Door
Spawners - I did every single asset + LevelBuilding into Unreal, then I reworked the lighting pass on Marmoset to have a better view of each one ^^ Feel free to explore, play with the sunlight =)
The Burning Descent | Trailer ( ingame shots done by Lucien Gillonnier )