The Burning Descent | Environment Stuff

All environment pieces & level I did for The Burning Descent VR, for RyseUp Studios are here, the game run under Unreal Engine 4. I also helped on other fileds such as VFX art ( a little but super fun moments ! ), ConceptArt, Animation ( rigging & posing only for special purpose ) and Character's textures.

I used 3DCoat for mostly everything except for stencils/Brushes creation ( PS ) with custom smartmaterials ( same used on SWR project =) ), ZBrush for all of these canyon rocks ^^
3dsMax for all Lowpoly's and plenty of highpolys ( mostly when not organic )
MightyBake for baking.

Special thanks to Anthony Daneluzzi, Fantin Gislette, Alexandre Cheremetieff, Jonathan Belot, Laurent Dessart, Guillaume Zannoni, Maxime Teppe, Coralie Bruchon, Adrien Chenet, Milen Ivanov, and evryone who helped bringing this game to life ! I really enjoyed working with all of you and I hope we'll keep teaming'up like that in the future =)

The Burning Descent is a VR Game made@ RyseUp Studios in Lyon

SpawnerVehicle - CrossSection

SpawnerVehicle - CrossSection

Plateforme 02 - One of those used to fight in the arena, it's defined as the VR Zone for the HTC Vive/Occulus

Plateforme 02 - One of those used to fight in the arena, it's defined as the VR Zone for the HTC Vive/Occulus

Plateforme 02

Plateforme - CapturePoint : it's used as the main objective to win the game !

Plateforme - CapturePoint : it's used as the main objective to win the game !

Plateforme - CapturePoint

Covers - Used on strategic points to protect players, you have some variations in order to fit to GameDesigner's needs

Covers - Used on strategic points to protect players, you have some variations in order to fit to GameDesigner's needs


TechShards - that's what prevents you killing random supporters ^^ It generates a huge shield arround the fighting zone

TechShards - that's what prevents you killing random supporters ^^ It generates a huge shield arround the fighting zone


Far Rocks - Used to make most of the environment, even the hole

Far Rocks - Used to make most of the environment, even the hole

Far Rocks

Far Buildings - The other big part of the far environment, used to compose the Arena's City. Please Note that all "rocky" ones were duplicated in order to show all of their sides

Far Buildings - The other big part of the far environment, used to compose the Arena's City. Please Note that all "rocky" ones were duplicated in order to show all of their sides

Far Buildings

Colossus - There are two huge guys looking at you while you fight, far in the sky.

Colossus - There are two huge guys looking at you while you fight, far in the sky.


Far Pipes - Used a lot in the far Environment to break to "rockiness" present everywhere and add a soft touch of technology

Far Pipes - Used a lot in the far Environment to break to "rockiness" present everywhere and add a soft touch of technology

Far Pipes

Hole Props - Used to refine borders of the fighting zone, and make the hole deeper by using kind of "diving pipes", the rails were used to fake stairs on the background environment or make some 
reinforcement points on weakened rocks

Hole Props - Used to refine borders of the fighting zone, and make the hole deeper by using kind of "diving pipes", the rails were used to fake stairs on the background environment or make some
reinforcement points on weakened rocks

Hole Props

Far Belt - Blocks used to simulate a kind of repeating fighting zone deeper in the hole, but older and no longer used for fighting

Far Belt - Blocks used to simulate a kind of repeating fighting zone deeper in the hole, but older and no longer used for fighting

Close Belt - Tileable texture on any segment you want with same base shape, I used it to connect the hole/spawners and the supporter's place

Close Belt - Tileable texture on any segment you want with same base shape, I used it to connect the hole/spawners and the supporter's place

LevelRocks Buildings - Used to create the level where you fight, each rock can also be used in 3 splitted blocks ( Base/Piston/Tower )

Speakers - From where announcement come, with some flame VFX in game =)
I also separated each elements in order to make big "SoundPanels", which is more badass =D

Speakers - From where announcement come, with some flame VFX in game =)
I also separated each elements in order to make big "SoundPanels", which is more badass =D


Engine v2 - this one has a kind of ARK Reactor inspired by the one in "iron man" movie, which pulses ingame.

Engine v2 - this one has a kind of ARK Reactor inspired by the one in "iron man" movie, which pulses ingame.

Engine v2

SpawnRock - It's a huge rock that makes the bridge between the whole Arena and the 3 spawners

SpawnRock - It's a huge rock that makes the bridge between the whole Arena and the 3 spawners

Spawner Architecture Props

Spawner Architecture Props

VIctimBots - Used to add some "life" in closer environments, one thing we thought about at the beginning was to use them as ragdolls before the fight to allow players having some fun while staying in their spawners ^^

VIctimBots - Used to add some "life" in closer environments, one thing we thought about at the beginning was to use them as ragdolls before the fight to allow players having some fun while staying in their spawners ^^


Workshop's Stuff - some things you can see into spawners, near you

Workshop's Stuff - some things you can see into spawners, near you

Workshop's Stuff

Armoires - Used in spawners

Armoires - Used in spawners


Infrastructure - Used in spawners and Arena to add more immersion while you look at the environment

Infrastructure - Used in spawners and Arena to add more immersion while you look at the environment


Motor Stuff - used in spawners

Motor Stuff - used in spawners

Motor Stuff

Crates - Crates and barrels will always be part of most game's environments =P

Crates - Crates and barrels will always be part of most game's environments =P


Musical's Stuff - Used in spawners, as I learn Celtic Arp I wanted to add a junk version of this instrument ;) I don't know if this version could work in real life, I wanted to add flames when the player collides with it, but my mates said "enough !" ^^"

Musical's Stuff - Used in spawners, as I learn Celtic Arp I wanted to add a junk version of this instrument ;) I don't know if this version could work in real life, I wanted to add flames when the player collides with it, but my mates said "enough !" ^^"

Musical's Stuff

Plateform's Additional Stuff - used on plateforms to support various gameplay components

Plateform's Additional Stuff - used on plateforms to support various gameplay components

Plateform's Additional Stuff

Floor & cloth things

Floor & cloth things

Floor & cloth things

Shelves & Wall's Stuff - Used to "populate" spawners, ideally these would've been physical things you could've been able to throw away when waiting for a game to begin ^^

Shelves & Wall's Stuff - Used to "populate" spawners, ideally these would've been physical things you could've been able to throw away when waiting for a game to begin ^^

Shelves & Wall's Stuff

Skulls - Used to add creepy modd on some parts, and at a time they were used as physical assets which you can interact with by shooting them

Skulls - Used to add creepy modd on some parts, and at a time they were used as physical assets which you can interact with by shooting them


SpawnerProps 02 - AddOn Props for the Vehicle's spawner

SpawnerProps 02 - AddOn Props for the Vehicle's spawner

SpawnerProps 02

The Arena, ingame screenshots. I assembled almost everything to bring this arena to life, but all of this wouldn't had run fine without our "blackmagic artist", Anthony Daneluzzi, who was here on technical & optimization stuff !

The Arena, ingame screenshots. I assembled almost everything to bring this arena to life, but all of this wouldn't had run fine without our "blackmagic artist", Anthony Daneluzzi, who was here on technical & optimization stuff !

Arena - TechShards

Arena - TechShards

Arena - The Hole

Arena - The Hole

Spawner Vehicle - Unused Level in game for now, I did everything in it from asset's creation to rendering ( here in marmoset ). The vehicle is not polished, it's a highpoly I quickly painted into 3DCoat, one day I should made a clean prop with it ^^

Spawner Vehicle - Unused Level in game for now, I did everything in it from asset's creation to rendering ( here in marmoset ). The vehicle is not polished, it's a highpoly I quickly painted into 3DCoat, one day I should made a clean prop with it ^^


SpawnerVehicle's Door

SpawnerVehicle's Door

SpawnerVehicle's Door

Spawner 01

Spawner 01

Spawner 02

Spawner 02

Spawner 03

Spawner 03

Spawner 04

Spawner 04

Spawners - I did every single asset + LevelBuilding into Unreal, then I reworked the lighting pass on Marmoset to have a better view of each one ^^ Feel free to explore, play with the sunlight =)

The Burning Descent | Trailer ( ingame shots done by Lucien Gillonnier )