Star Wars - Redemption | N-1 Starfighter

Hello folks !

Here's my take on the N-1 Starfighter, made for the fan project Star Wars - Redemption of course (see more project art here : This one was quite challenging because of its excellent design shapes (to me it's THE one), it was also a real pleasure as always when doing fan art, but especially this one because you can use colors you rarely mix up together (that fresh and rusted yellow...♥)
I didn't model the cockpit because for the demo it was overkill, but that's something I'd like to do one day. References on the lower part near foot pedals are quite hard to find though ^^"
I made it with :
- 3dsMax (High/Low/UVs)
- 3DCoat ( Handpaint PBR textures)
- Akeytsu ( Rig/skin/anim)
- Marmoset (Normal/AO Bake/Still & solo renders)
- Unreal Engine 4 (rendering/integration/VFX/blueprint controls...etc)

Hope you'll enjoy this as much as I do =)

In-game screenshot, I made the hangar earlier, it seemed like a fair place to hide this starfighter ^^

In-game screenshot, I made the hangar earlier, it seemed like a fair place to hide this starfighter ^^

Here's the model once fully integrated, I made everything here from modeling to blueprints, vfx, lighting, texturing, animation...etc (you name it !)

Then after a few more improvement : the combat mode is there =) It's about a lot of tricks I won't unveil haha but it's gone to a point beyond all my dreams, considering I've handled all the "code" part as well makes it even more unbelievable to me x)

The little space of Naboo I made to bring back a good dose of nostalgia ♥

The little space of Naboo I made to bring back a good dose of nostalgia ♥