Ouroboros - Teaser ( Prototype )

Some work on a Teaser shot in UE4 I did with Anthony Daneluzzi for Namco Bandai Lyon when I was working at RyseUp Studios, this was made in order to pitch a game project back in 2016, and we had 6 weeks to achieve this from scratch. We decided to go roughly into lowpoly shapes & designs. Both of us did most of the tasks from character/environment modeling to animation/integration/Final editing/compositing...etc, we received the help of Manuel Boria on the character basemesh. It was a short but really cool experience =)

Teaser Shot - 01

Teaser Shot - 01

Teaser Shot - 02

Teaser Shot - 02

Teaser Shot - 03

Teaser Shot - 03

Teaser Shot - 04

Teaser Shot - 04

Teaser Shot - 05

Teaser Shot - 05

Character Paintover - The basemesh was done by Manuel Boria

Character Paintover - The basemesh was done by Manuel Boria

Flying Island Idea

Flying Island Idea

Acid Trees - Acid just cause of their colours ^^"

Acid Trees - Acid just cause of their colours ^^"

Colorful Animal

Colorful Animal

All assets used to do the teaser =)

All assets used to do the teaser =)