Note : Project's updates won't always be at the top of it, so when an update come, scroll to explore what's new !
"Star Wars - Redemption" is the temporary title I've found for a fanmade project inspired mostly by the clone wars TV series and, of course, Star Wars universe. At the beginning it was just about a Jedi in a clone outfit and the more I spent time on it, the more new stuff was added to this base concept. I'll add all things about it here, it's the project's main page. But you may see individual assets on separated projects if you want =)
As it's a fan project I don't spend the time I'd want on it, the evolution will be chaotic in terms of regularity ^^ Sorry in advance !
The project may take place between Ep2 & Ep5 or more, I'm not done yet with the story.
I work on it with Thomas Chaumel who helps me on the animation part of Redemption, while Thibaut Hunckler helps on programming =)
Des Bisous ! ♥