Hello there !
Here's what changed since the last update :
- Turrets added on big star destroyers, they mostly try aiming the closest enemy battleships. Player can only destroy lucrehulk's turrets, as it's purely visual there is no big destroyer explosion (yet you'll feel the impress there are some big booms everywhere ;)). As usual, the rig/skin/anim is completely made on akeytsu
- Code has been partly optimized, in order to avoid CPU overhead, a lot of code logic now run through independent loops when objects spawns (mostly for flying levels actors)
- Added better self-destruct sounds, so you can hear plasma blasts dying near you when you fly under heavy shots
- Added lights to the biggest explosions in space combat (destroyers blasts & player's missiles), this to bring more immersive surfaces
- Optimized a few of the VFX used for explosions, so you can have more at the same time at a cheaper cost
- Added random spawn to flying maps, since levels offers tons of places to have magnificent fights. To reach a new point quicker than flying on it, just to restart the level, and you'll have a chance to spawn elsewhere 🙂
- Fixed Jedi Purge heavy FPS drop (was due to volumetric clouds in the sky, they are now simple 2D clouds, effect remains the same but costs much less to process
- Revised all flying levels "battle strategic placements" of star destroyers. Mostly so you can see them sending all their firepower to their enemies ^^ Also adjusted spawn of starfighters AI
- Reworked the projectile's logic of the player's starfighter, so they no longer keep existing after a collision. Also, the code is now optimized through loops instead of using event tick (that was a bit bad for performances)
There's still some bugs & strange behaviours, but as is it's extremely satisfying to mess with ^^
...Again, A BIG THANK YOU for bringing so much love to this project, the last year have been quite hard for me and the love you brought to the project always helped me to keep going forward. I/We love you ♥