Some news =)

News / 19 November 2021

Hello there !  

It's been a while and I'm not coming back with fantastic stuff, although projects I'm working on are still evolving in a solid way, but I also wanted to let you know that now you can support me whenever you want through paypal

This helps me doing more creative & personnal art on my spare time :)
(If you're a 3D artist/animator, you may prefer to get some 3D assets in exchange, so don't hesitate to take a look to my store. I'm also regularly participating to ArtStation Sales so keep an eye on it ;))

I don't take the time to express it, but thank you a lot for your support. The big wave of love you showed to Star Wars Redemption, Maewenn, Syblast, e-LysE and many other art posts shows how much it's important to keep going and thrive to achieve always better stuff. While I don't know what the future holds, I want to explore new universes, which means star wars fan arts will take less room. But don't worry : I still want to do a stylized Darth Maul and at least one custom PodRacer with a lot of super cool technical pipes and pannels ;)

Yet, returning to more stylized pieces, probably in fantasy, is what I'm deeply looking for...

About "SWR" (I hope you guess what I'm talking about ;))

The v1.4 of the demo has shown many issues we are fixing since August in addition to little gameplay improvements, yet it will remain a demo, so don't expect an AAA game. The months since release have been once again a one-dev-army time, where I did everything, including Blueprints & Animation. Thomas is no longer able to animate on the project due to personal difficulties, yet he contributed one last time two months ago with a cool idle and a few adjustments on gameplay attacks. Not sure he will be back on the animation until the next & last update. Thibaut has recently jump back on blueprints, this helps me focus back on art stuff (and that's most welcome !)
You can gather a few infos on what's going on by watching out my twitter/twitch posts & videos (simply search for "vexod14"), but I prefer to hold in the dark most of the new stuff incoming ;)

But,'s a little wip of one of the many things I'm working on :

The model you see is the final lowpoly asset, I love using parallax heightmap in addition to normal map to restitute highpoly volumes, it works so well in Marmoset Toolbag 4 =)
I didn't put all his little gadget-arms, only those which really impacts gameplay possibilities and global silhouette (he can still hack doors, fly with mini-jetpack-arms or electrify an opponent. Not sure all these will be in the demo ^^")

I'll be streaming soon the texturing process on 3DCoat, and I'll probably make an R2-D2 skin (I have the "canvas" to make it, I won't use it in game because I have litterally nowhere to put R2 and say "it could happen !", but crafting a fan art is always a good way to learn on design part, to impreign more of the art direction you try to follow and express your own way through it later =))

I still do not plan on working more on the demo once this last version will be published, as I think I need to fly on other & preferably smaller projects. Even if I've learn a lot with SWR, it's time to put all these new skills on more personal projects =)

Also, I'm thinking about making a Patreon since probably two years now, but I still need to define what I'll be doing with it, tutorials perhaps ? Or maybe concept art ? Commented making-of videos ? Feel free to tell me what you would like to see, this will surely help !

Des Bisous ♥

- Vexod14 -