EnvironmentArt - Téo & Léonie

Hi all !

Back in 2014/2015 I did several assets/ environment stuff for a TV serie called "Téo & Léonie" at Kenzan Studios ( Geneva ), the short https://vimeo.com/user40932061/teoleonie has been rendered in realtime on unreal engine 4. These assets were made with 3dsmax/Zbrush/Xnormals/Photoshop/3DCoat.

You can view the video here : https://vimeo.com/user40932061/teoleonie

Special thanks to Milen Ivanov for his baking course, Laurent Dessart for his shaders and integration tips in ue4, Aurelien Baarsch for his great team management and environment skills, "The Cave team" and the whole team that worked hard on it =)

Sorry for that damn late post btw ^^

Necklace's magical Gem



Several handpainted materials ( + sculpt base sometime ), applied everywhere possible  ( such as the pirateship/attic, etc )

Several handpainted materials ( + sculpt base sometime ), applied everywhere possible ( such as the pirateship/attic, etc )

Tileable wooden timber, used a lot like the tileable materials but only on "wood architecture"

Tileable wooden timber, used a lot like the tileable materials but only on "wood architecture"

Children's Tent

Children's Tent

Attic's architecture

Attic's architecture

Attic's stuff 01

Attic's stuff 01

Attic's stuff 02

Attic's stuff 02

Pirateship stuff

Pirateship stuff

"La machine Volante", inspired from one of the several sketches by Leonardo da Vinci

"La machine Volante", inspired from one of the several sketches by Leonardo da Vinci