Hi everyone !
Here's a skin I made for Syblast, first time I worked on one of my characters base, and I really enjoyed the process ! Getting my hands on it again was also the opportunity to think how I could improve each steps a bit more, such as sculpt or texturing, I learned some cool tricks there, and I also plan to do more original character on my freetime, not meaning I'll leave Redemption's project, but it seems I really love making characters so...why not making more ? =)
I made it with :
- ZBrush ; Sculpt & polypaint (IDMap)
- 3dsMax ; Hardsurface elements, then retopo + UVW
- 3DCoat ; Texturing (using StarWarsRedemption's smartmaterials + personal Overwatch-like brushes)
- Akeytsu : Rigging/Skinning/Posing
- Marmoset 3 ; normalmap/IDMap baking and lighting/rendering