Syblast - GroundBreaker Skin

Hi everyone !

Here's a skin I made for Syblast, first time I worked on one of my characters base, and I really enjoyed the process ! Getting my hands on it again was also the opportunity to think how I could improve each steps a bit more, such as sculpt or texturing, I learned some cool tricks there, and I also plan to do more original character on my freetime, not meaning I'll leave Redemption's project, but it seems I really love making characters so...why not making more ? =)

I made it with :
- ZBrush ; Sculpt & polypaint (IDMap)
- 3dsMax ; Hardsurface elements, then retopo + UVW
- 3DCoat ; Texturing (using StarWarsRedemption's smartmaterials + personal Overwatch-like brushes)
- Akeytsu : Rigging/Skinning/Posing
- Marmoset 3 ; normalmap/IDMap baking and lighting/rendering

Syblast - GroundBreaker skin - fully textured with 3D-Coat and rigged/skinned on Akeytsu

Syblast - GroundBreaker skin - fully textured with 3D-Coat and rigged/skinned on Akeytsu

Sculpt done with ZBrush and partialy 3dsmax ( for hardsurface parts )

Sculpt done with ZBrush and partialy 3dsmax ( for hardsurface parts )

Syblast GroundBreaker's Skin - Concepts

Syblast GroundBreaker's Skin - Concepts

Texture Breakdown. I use the same process on most of my models

Texture Breakdown. I use the same process on most of my models

Syblast's GroundBreaker Rig on Akeytsu

Syblast's GroundBreaker Rig on Akeytsu

Syblast's GroundBreaker Posing on Akeytsu

Syblast's GroundBreaker Posing on Akeytsu

Run animation pose =)

Run animation pose =)