Hi Folks,
A new update of my fan project Star Wars - Redemption is here, and this 2.7 brings new cool things to the demo.
Improved lighting on Mevenn, this goes from a very simple thing (to the point I don't get why I didn't make it earlier). Simply put a spotlight dedicated only to light Mevenn in her blueprint. Without specular intensity from that spot, it acts as a skylight, but only affects a desired area so you can bring the player attention to the torso/head, more than the heels (even if Mevenn's heels are badass ^^"). The cool point is it still adds a little specular reflection only in Mevenn's eyes, that was definitely missing :
I've also added more starfighters to pilot, and made them playable in every flying-levels (so you can fly in N-1 over Coruscant or save Naboo's blockade into a Tie-Fighter...makes no sense but it's fun ^^")
Here's a quick breakdown on the texturing/level art process (I skip all the UV part, not super fun to watch, trust me ^^")
The idea was to remain as close as possible to the colorscheme designed by Aurélien, I baked all colors into a first pass texture, then I applied manually dirt over all the surface as I do with all SWR assets. The idea is to fill a layer with a dark/muddy color, roughness at 100% & metalness at 0%, then create a mask layer (in 3DCoat, any layer can serve as a mask without necessary having to be near the controled layer. Bonus thing : it can affect several layers at once. In case you didn't already knew it : I love texturing in 3DCoat ^^)
Lots of pieces. Yup. But the result speaks for itself ! (I also like to place lights everywhere, in Marmoset Toolbag I feel like I'm painting with spotlight colors, that light gizmo is really a thing every software should have, it's so practical !)
Then I wanted to add a dedicated level. I thought a sort of space-station that "repairs" Venators under the early Empire era would be interesting. So I started to design this big station :
I also added a new "piled shroom" into the blue cave on Lumberia Temple :
And last but not least, clone troopers now have "Dark Forces" troopers. They're same as elites, but more robust & painful. If you encounter one and kill him, he will inevitably respawn a few minutes later as a Dark Forces trooper. This means levels gradually tends to spawn only these troops the more you survive in them ^^
Please find below a list of all the updated/fixed/added features :
Star Wars - Redemption | Update Log v2.7
- Adjusted texture/shader of stellar systems (space background) to get closer than what we see in films (less "dots" and more "stars")
- Optimized UVSets (Max. 2 per asset instead of 3) and removed all auto-generated lightmap UVs, this improves perfs mostly on : Lucrehulk/Geonosis/Lumberia/Archives/JediPurge levels
- Optimized lights in general (now limited by distance to the camera)
- Enhanced shadows on space fighting levels
- Added a new batallion, the "DarkForces". You'll recognize them by several points : they have much more life, more bullets, faster shot and faster projectiles, as an easter egg to the old Battlefront 2 from 2005 they shot purple-ish blasts, they also have a unique armor designed exclusively for ARC troopers, they are dark deep blue with strong red yet subtle warpaints, and their visor is alike Clone Commando and in fact quite close to those of Crossair new team members in the badbatch. They won't appear often, but if you find one, prepare your best moves as they won't be easy to take down
- Removed the need of captured Forceghosts to unlock bonus levels and reinforcements sliders. This allows to feel a little better difficulty at the beginning, and makes Forceghosts a more important thing to collect as they'll be the only way to increase Mevenn's stats
- Improved glowing Mushrooms on Lumberia environments so they look a bit more magical and carry their own dynamic lighting (it now follows them when they jump near you)
- Fixed a bug where Ennemy/ally units could still spawn from a certain type of spawners if their factor was put down to zero
- Fixed a bug where unit spawn limit could be overriden, leading to potential performance issue
- Added enemies to KillZVolume allowed victims, so when you throw a clone into space he dies
- Adjusted little mushrooms models so they appear less sharp and more smooth and cute
- Fixed all "boxes" issues (collisions were broken/not working, it's a compromise, you can't slash them like in the 1st public release of the demo, but you no longer "enters" in them so they clearly acts as covers)
- Fixed a bug where difficulty was going down to Padawan each time you restart/launch a level, ignoring the desired difficulty mode
- Added sounds to StarDestroyer's reactors, so it's more immersive when you fly by
- Added lights to muzzle flash emitters so you see better when someone is actually shooting
- Refined bridge grids models on Geonosis Canyons, Jedi Temple (servers room) and Venator 66/Hangars
- Added new wallpapers
- Adjusted planet shaders, so now the emissive has some life in it (glowing city lights)
- Added HDR support, if you have an HDR compatible screen the game colors should look a bit better =)
- Adjusted stars in flying backgrounds, less dense, but brighter ones
- Reduced turret's life to give a better feedback when shooting at them
- Changed UI title "Star Wars - Redemption" for a phoenix logo to better suit art direction (notably on Mevenn/414th clone troopers phase II armor warpaint patterns)
- Updated game credits with Aurélien Baarsch (XT-3400 LightFreighter designer/modeler)
- Added gamepad Support in all menus, use left stick to move mouse cursor, press A to validate a button
- Added "Back to Menu" and "Exit" buttons to the GameOver Menu
- Added difficulty modes and reinforcements sliders to the GameOver menu, now you can directly adjust your next session from there instead of having to go back to main menu or options, tweak and relaunch current level
- Added a new "Starfighter" entry in both Main menu/Pause menu (flying only), in order to let the player opt for the favourite starfighter to pilot everywhere, once picked, you can decide to either go in bonus levels and play levels at will or restart to apply changes (last option only available in play mode of course)
- Reworked some level preview images to better reflect what level actually offers, i.e since space flight is now accessible with any starfighter, having them in the preview is no longer relevant
- Unified options/Levels/Bonus Levels panels of the UI so everything is adjustable at anytime, independently from the current game mode
- Added a UI to flying mode so you can see your life and shields state and better estimate your starfighter damages (shields are not in use at the moment, but in case of future implementation the UI is there)
- Added Bloom slider to modulate how much you want it into the renderer (can save performances)
- Added a "Depth Blur" check-box in case you want to cut it from renderer (can save performances)
- Added a "Motion Blur" check-box so you can remove it from render pass (can save performances)
- Reduced delay to navigate through menu panels (was at 0.5s, although I liked the effect it wasn't subtle at all, I changed it to 0.1s, so you still "feel" it, but don't be frustrated to wait half a second. After all : devil is in the details, right ?)
- Added a "Back" button in pause menu to facilitate the switch back to game, especially with a gamepad
- Added UI icons over enemies in flight mode to better identify them. More specifically, when you fire missiles at them, the locked enemy will be briefly emphasized. You can turn it off if you turn off the UI (Numpad *)
- Added visual feedback on selected difficulty, selected starfighter, and selected language.
- Added version number in the options menu ( green text, bottom right near langage settings)
- Added a slider to adjust the delay after which the camera will start rotating on its own
- Internally reworked level names to reflect those used in the UI
- Added new saved settings accross sessions/levels : Camera offset, Camera Zoom amount, Camera FOV (can be activated if you need it, off by default).
- Added lightsaber's intensity/color as a persistent tweak through games, should you love to look as a Sith, you'll now keep that red blade ;) You can revert to default color at anytime using Left Ctrl + Numpad 0 (command list has been updated)
- Regrouped check-boxes in the option pannel
- Added an "Auto-Thirds" option, this will place the camera on left or right of the character, so you can forsee what's ahead of you. This also gives a better look to the game
- Added a "Force Motion Blur" option for flying levels, so you can decide to have it on or off independently from the global motion blur checkbox
- Added tooltips for options, simply hover a text to see an enriched description of what it does. Not every text has it of course, like for example the button "French" which obviously turns the game in french
- Added a "Master" slider in audio settings so you can quickly turn on/off/adjust the volume of the game without switching back to windows soundmix settings
- Added a light specifically for Mevenn so she looks better in dark places and always has a little specular point in her eyes
- Adjusted min/max camera FOV (min=10 (was 15) ; max=120 (was 100))
- Adjusted max camera dezoom (1500 (was 1000))
- Increased footstep sound volume
- Added an auto-follow feature to the camera and a reset camera button (right thumbstick button/middle-mouse button), this eases the control especially for gamepad players. You can disable it in the options
- Fixed a bug where after a dash the parry was no longer working if player was parrying before dashing
- Changed the dash-to-ground vector for a clean 90° down so player no longer accidentaly falls down into the void
- Fixed a bug where the dash-to-ground could appear after a quick jump if triggered shortly before landing
- Fixed a bug where Mevenn could be partially hidden on every respawn if you activated the "ghost player" mode (Ctrl+Alt+G)
- Fixed the rule of thirds overlay so it displays an equally 9-splited screen
- Added VFX "puffs" & sounds on jump start to bring a better jump feel
- Adjusted the eyelid makeup accross all 3 different faces
- Added a passive camera rotate after 15s (default value), so you can see the environment around. Only moving/look around can exit it. Default value can be edited in options
- Added SFX, VFX, and footsteps triggers to some idles that were missing it
- Added a boost to the emissive of the blades if you increase their lights (Numpad + ; Numpad -)
- Added max jump-hold time to capabilities that can increase depending on ForceGhosts you have captured (was at 0.3s, now you start at 0.3s and reach 0.4s at max)
- Boosted the blade emissive default power
- Fixed LOD of the helmet that was still popping too early
- Changed the way the auto-focus is computed, now it will always keep Mevenn's face neat no matter the zoom distance. Since it's not called every frame, you may nottice some jaggy/blurry pixels artifacts when changing the camera view distance, but only when this occurs and that's quite subtle
- Changed the way the camera offset works, now taking account of collisions. You can also add an offset to the camera target, which is the Mevenn by default, using the same "I,J,K,L" shortcuts but with "Ctrl" (so to offset the camera target up, use "Ctrl+I" and so on)
- Added an option to get an automated camera offset based on player movement, placing Mevenn near thirds to achieve a better image composing without the need to play with I,J,K,L while playing. Please note that these shortcuts still works and that this "Auto-Thirds" option can be tunred off at any time in the Options pannel
[Clone Troopers - Phase II]
- Adjusted Jedpack roughness/Specular textures
- Boosted emissive
- Boosted collect sound
- Added a chance to also heal the player when spawned, you can see that some has a more powerful halo than the others, they'll heal you the same way a heal orb do but they'll be there only once, when captured, these "healing" sources will no longer be available (this helps you sustain in some cases when you start a fresh savegame ;))
- excluded the mesh from the lighting render pass, as it uses only additive shaders. Also disabled their shadow-cast parameter
- Added XT-3400 LightFreighter, designed & modeled by Aurélien Baarsch (a good friend of mine). This one stands as a driveable ship over the new space Level called "Space Station". You can also walk around it in Lumberia Temple level (somewhere deep in the forest)
- Added TIE fighter, TIE interceptor, and Vulture droid as driveable spacecrafts
- Changed the logic of surrounding starfighter spawn, now they're dependent to levels instead of game modes
- Extended the firing projectiles logic (Blasters & Rockets), so starfighters can be set internally to fire up to 4 each (Try the vulture or the TIE-Interceptor ;))
- Changed where starfighters spawns to a much further position so you should see lots of them more rapidly and dive always towards dogfight places
- Fixed a bug where starfighters could go back in non-deployed mode while using a loop blast attack (space bar)
- Changed input to bank starfighter to R/L shoulder (R1/L1 for PS controler or RB/LB for XBox Gamepad), having them on the right thumbstick was problematic to access blaster shots/missiles while adjusting flight trajectory
- Added a new SFX to Delta-E principal blaster shots and changed lasers from green to blue
- Changed the way you fire missiles. Now, you fire them when you release the input. You can increase the distance before homing target as well as its life span by holding down the input, this way you can adjust your combat tactics depending on the target distance
- Removed delay on fire missile so it better responds your commands (delay between shots are still there, else it would be overpowered)
- Fixed letterbox cinematic mode (Numpad /)
[Jedi Knights]
- Added more details to the texture of Twi'Lek Lekkus
- Added a Green variant for the Twi'Lek
[Space Station]
- Added new flying level
- Added "Imperial" version of Venators in this Level
- Added TIE Fighters & TIE-Interceptors to stand as enemies
[Space Naboo]
- Fixed a missing collider on a Lucrehulk, preventing player from crashing on it
[Jedi Purge]
- Changed level entry to a regular bonus one (no longer hidden after the death menu)
[Geonosis Canyons]
- Fixed a camera collision with clones shooting near the beginning of the level
- Fixed a bug where you could jump in the sky
- Fixed a bug where player could escape out of bounds near the 414th clone squad
- Boosted BattleDroids B1 you face at the default start of the level (arena outpath)
- Fixed Bloom scale and exposure compensation to calm down the overshiny look of lasers
[Geonosian Caves]
- Adjusted lights fading distance
- Adjusted lights fading distance
[Venator Hangars]
- Added a few turret shot VFX/SFX to feel the battle of Coruscant from the interior
- Fixed a collision bug on the ARC-170
- Fixed Bloom scale and exposure compensation to calm down the overshiny look of lasers
[Venator 66]
- Reworked the transparent glass shader (more refraction/dirt)
- Fixed Bloom scale and exposure compensation to calm down the overshiny look of lasers
[Lumberia Temple]
- Fixed a triangle hole in the big cave 3D model
- Improved Oak Trees (more organic, more logical breaks in branch directions)
- Raised lighting during darkest moods/nights
- Added another kind of cute jumpy mushroom that can only be found in the hidden blue cave
- Added a new path to reach high caveats in the "two-lakes" cave
- Redistributed parts of the existing ForceGhosts to new areas
- Added more furniture in the hidden cave with the ForceTree, to make it looke like an old abandonned place
- Added a "permanent" healing potion in the hidden cave. Drink and be refreshed ;)
- Adjusted color grading
- Adjusted the lighting of mushrooms on cliff/candles/chandeliers so they can cast more or less shadows and/or emit more or less light in some case
[Lumberia Dungeon]
- Adjusted the lighting of candles/chandeliers, so they can cast shadows and bring a more mysterious mood to the rooms
- Adjusted the ligthing of the force tree chamber, now having more subtle shadows and shadowcast only if necessary.
[Main Menu]
- Added a random start time of day (not evolving, just a random one) set between 6:00 AM & 7:00 AM (where the lighting still looks fine and scene reads well with it)
- Adjusted color grading
May the Force be with you, des Bisous ♥